Ten reasons why you should not read any article with ‘AI’ in the title.

Richard Vahrman
2 min readJan 30, 2024
AI-generated meaningless image

In an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly ubiquitous, it’s tempting to click on every article with ‘AI’ in the title. However, here are ten compelling reasons why you should resist this urge:

  1. Over-Saturation of AI Content: The internet is flooded with articles about AI. The sheer volume can be overwhelming and often repetitive, from breakthroughs to doomsday predictions. It’s better to select a few high-quality sources rather than trying to read everything.
  2. Clickbait Titles: Many articles use ‘AI’ in their titles as clickbait. These articles often lack substance and are designed to generate ad revenue rather than to inform or educate.
  3. Misinformation and Hype: AI is a complex and nuanced field. Unfortunately, not all writers have a deep understanding of it. This leads to misinformation and exaggerated claims that can mislead readers about the capabilities and limitations of AI.
  4. Overreliance on Buzzwords: Terms like ‘machine learning’, ‘neural networks’, and ‘deep learning’ are often thrown around without proper context or explanation, making some articles more confusing than enlightening.
  5. Written by AI (Like This One): Ironically, an increasing number of articles about AI, including this one, are…

