Insights from a yoga class with Dot: 10 things to ponder on.

Richard Vahrman
2 min readJan 27, 2024

1. Celebratory Asana: Winning the T-Shirt Embrace a triumphant pose to celebrate small victories, like winning a t-shirt. Let this pose be a reminder of joy and accomplishment in your practice.

2. Birdsong Meditation: Nature’s Symphony During meditation, focus on the sound of birds chirping. Let these natural melodies guide your mind to a state of serene awareness, connecting you with the environment.

3. The Chimney Breath: Deep Abdominal Breathing Visualize your spine as a chimney when breathing. Inhale deeply, sending the breath down into your ‘chimney,’ filling your abdomen, and fostering a deep sense of inner warmth.

4. Gentle Downward Dog: Elbows as Pillars Transition into Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog) on your elbows for a gentler approach. This variation can reduce strain on the wrists and shoulders, making the pose more accessible.

5. Heart-Centered Elbows: Inhale with Intention As you inhale, draw your elbows towards your heart. This movement encourages a heart-opening effect, deepening your breath and enhancing emotional release.

6. Exhaling Compassion: Knees to Heart On each exhalation, gently draw your knees closer to your heart. This practice symbolises self-compassion and introspection, essential components of a…

